For most of us our homes are our biggest investments and the thought of them being eaten away by termites is terrifying to say the least. Like anything education gives understanding and can remove the worry from termites completely.

The fact that termites travel underground and can eat away a good part of a house without being noticed is fuel for an industry driven by fear. What it is important to appreciate is that termites have habits and can be predicatable. If you understand what termites are after, where they can be detected early and how to get rid of them then you are on your way to a good nights sleep.

At Termite Free Naturally we educate our customers on how to set traps out in the garden so that they can be detected before they get into the house, how often they need to be checked and the times of year termites are most active….along with the different types of termites

If you have termites already in your house we can let you know how to latch on to them and kill the nest. Termites have tunnels and once one termite colony is killed it is possible for another colony to come in. The good news is they will use the old termites workings and so will show up in the same places.

Identifying termites is also important, some termites in your garden are grass eaters and will never come near your home.

Contact us to find out more information about how to identify termites or to schedule an appointment with one of our qualified technicians.

Until next time all the best Suzy Burgess Termite Free Naturally

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